Interior Design Styles And Furniture Pairings: at the Furniture Mall
9 min read • Aug 11, 2023
At the Furniture Mall, we are proud to offer an extensive range of design styles, including Mid-Century Modern, Rustic Contemporary, Farmhouse, Industrial, and Modern, among others. So whether you are a fan of sleek minimalism or crave the warmth of rustic aesthetics, we have the perfect furniture pieces to help you transform your space into a truly personalized haven. Join us as we navigate through the enchanting realm of interior design styles and uncover the secrets of furniture pairing ....
Read MoreHow to Style a Modern Eclectic Fireplace - Part 2
2 min read • Oct 11, 2018
Welcome to the Furniture Mall of Kansas Tips and Tricks. I am Sarah Williams, visual storyteller, and today we're talking about fireplace mantels in the modern eclectic style. For those of you who don't like to be too traditional or tied down to a certain look, we're going to mix it up for you. Build a Modern Eclectic Fireplace Mantel in Three Easy Steps: 1) We're going to take this focal piece and place it off-center. I'm going to start on the left and build from there. I've taken ....