Minimalism Vs Maximalism: What Are These Design Styles?
4 min read • Jan 14, 2022
Many people are minimalists these days. They want to live a life that has less clutter and more simplicity in it. Some minimalists have even gone so far as to get rid of their most prized possessions in order to simplify their lives even further! On the other hand, maximalists tend to choose flashy designs with lots of color schemes and patterns on them - they like having everything around them be bright, bold, and eye-catching. Both of these styles have waxed and waned in popularity, but remain ....
Read MoreThe Authenticity of the Amish
3 min read • Oct 25, 2021
Towards the back of The Furniture Mall of Texas, is an old buggy. You may come across it and ask, “What is that doing in a furniture store?”. The reason it is parked there is to pay a sort of homage to the Amish brand, a collection of three designers: Millcraft, Heartland Heritage Amish, and Fusion Designs. The buggy we have parked in our Amish section Our furniture store carries their creations. Heartland Heritage does dining and bedroom, Fusion Designs does the whole house, and Millcra ....