King Size Bed: How to Style like a Designer
4 min read • Jan 11, 2022
Every bed is a blank canvas waiting to be styled, but the right bed can make your bedroom look like a designer's showroom. In this blog post, I am going to talk about how to style a king-size bed like a designer. From bedding and covers, to lighting and throw pillows, all the way down to the sheets you choose for it - there are many ways you can turn an ordinary bed into something extraordinary! Start With the Fitted Sheet The first and most important step in styling any bed is to start with a ....
Read MoreHow to Make the Most of Your Small Space
7 min read • Nov 3, 2021
Small spaces in your home are liable to feel cramped and cluttered. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help your space look bigger and feel more inviting. Making the most of your space is just a matter of knowing how to open it up. Something as simple as adding pops of color to your furniture or filling empty corners with an eye-catching shelf of accessories can organize and expand upon your smaller spaces. Here are some good ways to minimize your mess, and maximize your space ....
Read MoreTop Three Questions People Ask About Mattresses in the Store
2 min read • Nov 1, 2018
These are the top three questions people ask about mattresses in the store: What kind of mattress lasts the longest - Memory Foam, Hybrid, or Coil? The answer to that is really that they are all about the same in terms of longevity. The warranty on each mattress is going to be at least 10 years. It just depends on the body impression, of how far it would have to sink down for us to replace the mattress. Memory foam, coil, or hybrid, are all going to be fitted to you personally and ....